Thursday, November 26, 2009

What can i do for really thinning hair??

I would stay away from Rogaine type medicines. I don't want to take anything that women shouldn't even touch, personally. Ginkgo biloba improves circulation to the scalp. Horsetail can help strengthen your hair. Green tea and Saw Palmetto may help prevent further hair loss. Tea tree oil can help kill mites, bacteria and fungi that can live on the scalp and cause hair loss. Apple cider vinegar and sage tea as a rinse can help hair grow. Biotin supplementation can help hair grow. Read all the lables for these products and consult a physician if you have any health concerns before taking these products.

Just remember, many women find baldness very sexy. So maybe shaving your head would be the easiest solution.

What can i do for really thinning hair??

You can purchase shampoos that are for hair thickening. Another thing that has worked for my cousin is a product called "Cholesterol" by Queene Helen. You use it once a week and can purchase it at stores like Wal-Mart, Walgreen's, Super Stop %26amp; Shop, etc...

What can i do for really thinning hair??

Embrace it!

What can i do for really thinning hair??

wear a hat

What can i do for really thinning hair??

u can apply beer..... its really good

What can i do for really thinning hair??

Stop wearing that hat and get rogaine or learn to accept yourself as you are or shave your head!

What can i do for really thinning hair??

I have an irreversable bald spot from a bad relaxer. My doctor told me that there is life out there and don't worry about a bald spot. In other words, leave it alone.

What can i do for really thinning hair??

Try one of the OTC rogaine-based programs. They really do seem to work for some people, especially if you're thinning and not already bald.

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