Thursday, November 26, 2009

If a female has thinning hair from hormones changing can it become thick again?

I'm not sure if you can, but you can use extensions to fill it back in to give yourself the allusion of a full head of hair.

If a female has thinning hair from hormones changing can it become thick again?

I asked my doctor this question 2 weeks ago due to my being pregnant the oils in my hair have increased and my hair became thin and frail, she stated that hormones cause the hair to fall out and then later along in my pregnancy my hair will thicken beautifully and grow strong and then after delivering it would get thin and be falling but that I shouldn't worry because it's natural.

I'm just sharing my private experience with you so that you know that hormones do absolutely play a big part in the health of your hair and that theres a chance that it will balance back out into healthy happy hair :)

You should check with a local doctor to clear your doubts and see what can be done about your hair.

If a female has thinning hair from hormones changing can it become thick again?

yes once her hormones balance back to normal

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